๐ Hello, I am Ady Firdaus | Information Technology Student Class of 2022 | software development enthusiast๐จ๐ปโ๐ป
๐จ API Backend for Chiligrow, it is an IoT-based agro-industry application integrated with ESP 8266 and soil moisture sensors. There are some features for automatic watering, automatic fertilization, and chili planting simulation.
๐ API backend for e-Mosque, it is an application for managing mosque activities. Users include congregation members and takmir. There are features for managing finances, zakat, religious schedules, item borrowing, and event permissions.
๐ญ Chiligrow is an IoT-based agro-industry application integrated with ESP 8266 and soil moisture sensors. There are some features for automatic watering, automatic fertilization, and chili planting simulation.
๐ project aplikasi pencegahan pinjaman online berisiko, dibuat dengan teknologi flutter dart, getX, dan firebase
๐ฌ project tiruan web app chat anonim NGL, dibuat dengan teknologi gin gonic, gorm, dan mysql.
๐ API backend dari sebuah sistem layanan kasir toko sparepart kendaraan, dibuat dengan teknologi node express js, prisma ORM, midtrans payment gateway, & mysql.