Full-stack web developer - in ❤️ with Node.js, TypeScript, Flutter, Vue.js, React.js and SSR - 🇹🇷 🇬🇧
🧬 Source code of my personal website. Everything is included. Written in NuxtJS, TypeScript and Windi CSS!
🏷 Landing page and API documentation concept for Lanyard API.
🧬 Check if a user owns the specific item(s) in their Steam library and give them roles! Discord bot and API.
🧬 Free to use Chrome extension to unblock Imgur and Pastebin using custom and secure proxies!
🚀 Lanyard API plugin for Vue to easily track your Discord status. Supports REST and WebSocket methods.
⚡ A beautiful Lanyard API visualizer tool to display your Discord status online! Works with Spotify and all RPCs!