Unity Developer'24 at Molca
Number-Pedia is an educational game to recognize numbers 0 to 9 for early childhood. Not only teaching students to recognize numbers, but also providing opportunities for teachers and parents of students to continue to monitor the development of their children. Therefore, report cards of learning outcomes from the Number-Pedia application are given in full, starting from the time when the students played, the numbers asked, how many mistakes were made to the scores obtained by the students.
LederEfter is a casual online game with the theme of knowledge trivia in several fields, such as animals, plants, countries and the world. Players will be given 10 true or false questions in one game, where the 10 questions will be displayed randomly and of course the same for each player. This game can be played by up to 30 players.
Iruf is a hero from his village. He had gone through many phases of training with the teacher, the person who was known to be the most skilled in mastering both internal and white magic. Not only that, Iruf has an old friend named Urip, who turns out to be both deep in internal science. It's just that, Urip explores dark science which is far the opposite of Iruf. There is one condition where they are met, and fight for the knowledge they believe is the strongest science in the world.
This application will provide an introduction and knowledge to the user regarding some of the components that exist in the helicopter. Starting from the stages of assembly, maintenance, use, to disassembly. This application was developed using AR technology, which will display 3-dimensional assets with text descriptions that help user understanding.
The Racing Drones in this project use physical controls similar to those of the PlayStation controller. This controller uses a mini-controller in the form of an Arduino Uno, with several combinations of joystick modules and buttons. Some of these modules are combined in one custom casing.
GamePilahSampah is an educational game that requires players to be able to choose which type of waste is organic or non-organic. In addition, this game was also made as a task of certification and competency test activities by the Game Technology major of PENS, with the title "Skema Pembuatan Game Berbasis Mobile".