Ethical Hacker | author of
Script to parse Aircrack-ng captures into a SQLite database and extract useful information like handshakes, MGT identities, interesting relations between APs, clients and it's Probes, WPS information and a global view of all the APs seen.
Virtualized WiFi pentesting laboratory without the need for physical WiFi cards, using mac80211_hwsim. Docker version of WiFiChallenge Lab with modifications in the challenges and improved stability. Ubuntu virtual machine with virtualized networks and clients to perform WiFi attacks on OPN, WPA2, WPA3 and Enterprise networks.
nTask is a distributed task management program that allows you to distribute tasks across multiple computers using API communication and WebSockets. It handles task requests, distributes them to available workers, and stores the results in a database or sends them to a specified URL/API. Integration with other APIs or scripts is also supported.
Toolkit to investigate the BitTorrent network.
Talks and workshops slides
WiFi hacking Lab. Virtualized WiFi pentesting laboratory without the need for physical WiFi cards, using mac80211_hwsim and vwifi proyect.