Tech nerd by day, coding ninja by night 🌟 | Constantly leveling up my tech game and geeking out over the latest innovations 🚀.
In this project, I had made an ATM application with the help of a GUI library 'Swing' of JAVA and had done operations like Deposit, Withdrawal, Fast Cash, etc but with GUI. I had made this pages using JFrame Form which is used to make GUI form pages in Swing. This was a mini frontend project so we haven't used any Database.
Made chatbots which can interact, send response to the images, multi-language invoice extractor and chat with pdf based on Gemini.
My first project that i got in my first year of BScIT. It's UI is not good as it was my first website and i had spent days learning the things and applying it to my website and i know that it is not a good website but it is close to me as it was my first website and made it with Hardwork.
This website is made by me and my team for our college event Vigyan Mela. We had used Parallax scrolling and made the website 3D by rendering a 3D drone Model and used GSAP Scrolltrigger for creating dynamic and engaging scroll based effects on websites.